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Upcoming Winter Schedule
Join one (or all!) of our upcoming winter webinars.
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Person Centered Care Plans continue to be in the top ten national survey deficiencies for 2024. F Tag 656 – Development/Implementation of Comprehensive Care Plan – is #6 on the national list and has been in the top 10 since before the pandemic. Developing a person-centered care plan requires an interdisciplinary team trained in the regulations, RAI system, and care plan completion process. The IDT must know the resident and have effective communication skills among the members. The resident’s individual goals and needs should be heard and utilized as the focus to care plan development. Join us in our webinar to address person-centered care plans and strategies to improve IDT involvement and engaging resident voice in the process. Attendees of this webinar will:
- Review highlights of care plan regulations
- Identify a process for developing person-centered care plans
- Develop a process for auditing and monitoring care plans to include person centered focus, goals, and interventions
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Barb Bates, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT
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Administrators in a SNF have a complex role in managing their organization. One of the key areas is the RAI/MDS system within their facility. The RAI/MDS is a multifactorial system that can affect reimbursement, billing, facility reporting, and quality of care. How can an Administrator make sure their RAI/MDS system is compliant with federal, state regulations and facility policies and procedures? Join us as we discuss the Administrator’s role with RAI/MDS compliance. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review areas the RAI/MDS system can affect within a SNF
- Identify ways the Administrator can monitor the RAI/MDS system
- Develop a process to maintain compliance of the RAI/MDS system through QAA/QAPI
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP and Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
Increase your knowledge of clinical assessment and care planning, completion of the MDS, the regulations surrounding the RAI/MDS process, and managing the PDPM by attending an AAPACN Resident Assessment Coordinator-Certified (RAC-CT) certification workshop. Having the RAC-CT credential behind your name shows you are a knowledgeable and capable MDS professional. RAC-CT certification is the nationally recognized gold-standard in resident assessment in the long-term care nursing profession. By earning this credential, individuals have shown their expertise in skilled nursing facility prospective payment system and minimum data set (MDS 3.0) assessment.
Learn more about your Master Teacher: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP
Note: The AAPACN RAC-CT Virtual Workshop runs daily from 10 am – 4:30 pm ET.
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With the transition from G to GG in 2023 and the updates to SNF QRP and SNF VBP within the 2024 and 2025 Final Rules, Quality Measures will be affected. Join us for a roundtable discussion as we delve into the top questions regarding Quality Measures and Five Star Rating. Our team will answer questions submitted (on the webinar registration page) concerning facility quality measures and Five Star Ratings. Be sure to submit your questions by March 10 to have them considered for the roundtable!
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: The MDS Consultants Team
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SNFs are required to transmit and submit OBRA and PPS MDS assessments in facilities that are Medicare and Medicaid certified to CMS’s Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). MDS Coordinators/NACs evaluate the MDS Submission Validation Reports once the MDS assessments are submitted. The validation reports indicate error(s) or warnings noted on the submitted MDS assessments. Join us as we walk through the steps of evaluating error(s) on a MDS Validation Report and what actions to take for correcting the error(s), such as modifications, inactivations, or manual deletion. Attendees of this webinar will:
- Examine the contents of a MDS Validation Report
- Identify the type(s) of error(s) on a MDS Validation Report and what steps to take for correction(s)
- Develop a process for tracking and monitoring MDS error(s) and correction(s)
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Kristine Martinez, RN, BSN, DNS-CT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP
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In this webinar we are NOT going to immerse you in industry standards, recommend methods or proven techniques, optimal procedures or gold standards, or any other term for customary ways of doing something that is an accepted or established code of procedure. Instead, we are going to show you how using your natural ability as a coder/MDS Coordinator/NAC for successful and accurate PDPM MDS assessments. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify each component of PDPM
- Understand the importance of MDS/ICD-10 Coding Accuracy
- Breakdown each audit step for PDPM
- Discuss PDPM best practices for accurate reimbursement
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, Medical Records, Coders, MDS Interdisciplinary team members, Coders
Learn more about your trainers: Michelle Olear, RHIT, BSN
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“Tapestry of Life highlights the meaningful stories that make up each person’s journey in skilled nursing care. From residents and families to caregivers and staff, everyone adds a unique thread that is woven into this vibrant tapestry. This theme celebrates the connections, resilience and strength that unite us all.” Our team is going to discuss stories/events about their experiences that have impacted their “Tapestry of Life” in LTC. Join us and share your story or experience in recognition of National Nurses Week 2025. Submit your stories/events by April 25 to have them considered for the roundtable!
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: The MDS Consultants Team
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The State Operations Manual, Appendix PP continues to update QAPI/QAA regulatory language. Each facility has a QAPI program and QAA committee that reviews quality concerns and develops methods to address their issues, but is it working the way it should? Regulations and guidance were provided to organizations regarding QAPI/QAA, though the guidance does not prescribe how to operationalize the program. Nonetheless, a process to identify quality issues and methods to determine the root cause; develop corrective actions; conduct performance improvement activities; and evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of actions is expected. When did you last evaluate your program and assess if it is working? Are actions being taken, evaluated, and modified if the program is found to be ineffective? In this session we will discuss ways to evaluate your QAPI Program effectiveness and provide you with strategies to improve your current QAPI/QAA process. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review the QAPI self-assessment and its use in evaluating the organization’s QAPI program
- Present 2 – 3 tools/best practices to assist in facilitating QAPI
- Discuss 2 – 3 reasons for citation from QCOR
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, QAPI/QAA Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Barbara Bates, RN, MSN, QCP-MT, DNS-MT
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The need to ensure MDS accuracy is key to nursing home facilities for numerous reasons, chief among them: the development of person-centered resident care plans that ensure appropriate care, proper reimbursement supported by the MDS and medical record, and survey review that can result in deficiencies, civil penalties, and potential immediate jeopardies. QAPI is an effective process that should be utilized to review all high risk, high volume, and problem-prone issues. Have you developed a process to ensure that all the key data elements are reviewed for accuracy? Have your IDT members completing the MDS been monitored for competency? Join our session to enhance your MDS accuracy and improve quality using your QAPI program as the driver. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Understand the regulatory requirements for the RAI process and the need for accurate assessments
- Discuss frequently identified MDS errors and the potential impact to the resident/facility
- Identify 2 – 3 prevention techniques to monitor/audit MDS assessments through QAPI
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, QAPI/QAA Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Kristine Martinez, RN, BSN, DNS-CT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP and Barbara Bates, RN, MSN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT
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Post acute care facilities are required to meet residents’ daily nutritional and dietary needs while also meeting residents’ preferences and choices. Coordination among IDT members is essential when completing resident assessments and care plans pertaining to nutrition. In this webinar, a joint session with Nutrition That Works, we will discuss the collaboration of Dietitians and the IDT through the RAI process. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify the Dietitian’s role within the RAI process
- Review the sections of the RAI process related to Nutrition
- Discuss strategies for IDT collaboration related to residents’ dietary and nutritional needs
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, Dietitians, Dietary Staff, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP, Kristine Martinez, RN, BSN, DNS-CT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP, and guest speakers from Nutrition That Works
How to Attend
Register for each event to receive a personal login link
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A reminder email is sent 10 minutes prior to the start
Live Events
All webinars start at 11am eastern unless noted
Each weekly webinar is eligible for 1.0 credit hours. Credit hours may be applied according to state regulation.
Webinar slides, a certificate of attendance and class description are provided upon completion of each webinar. You must be registered to access them.
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Post acute care facilities are required to meet residents’ daily nutritional and dietary needs while also meeting residents’ preferences and choices. Coordination among IDT members is essential when completing resident assessments and care plans pertaining to nutrition. In this webinar, a joint session with Nutrition That Works, we will discuss the collaboration of Dietitians and the IDT through the RAI process. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify the Dietitian’s role within the RAI process
- Review the sections of the RAI process related to Nutrition
- Discuss strategies for IDT collaboration related to residents’ dietary and nutritional needs
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, Dietitians, Dietary Staff, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP, Kristine Martinez, RN, BSN, DNS-CT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP, and guest speakers from Nutrition That Works
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Administrators in a SNF have a complex role in managing their organization. One of the key areas is the RAI/MDS system within their facility. The RAI/MDS is a multifactorial system that can affect reimbursement, billing, facility reporting, and quality of care. How can an Administrator make sure their RAI/MDS system is compliant with federal, state regulations and facility policies and procedures? Join us as we discuss the Administrator’s role with RAI/MDS compliance. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review areas the RAI/MDS system can affect within a SNF
- Identify ways the Administrator can monitor the RAI/MDS system
- Develop a process to maintain compliance of the RAI/MDS system through QAA/QAPI
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP and Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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A new year always ushers in new changes. Among the whirlwinds of change this year is New Surveyor Guidance. CMS released an advanced copy of these updates to its State Operations Manual – Appendix PP (Guidance for Skilled Nursing Facilities) in a November QSO Memorandum (QSO-25-07-NH: Revised Long-Term Care (LTC) Surveyor Guidance: Significant revisions to enhance quality and oversight of the LTC survey process). Originally scheduled to take effect in February, CMS issued a revision to the Surveyor Guidance on January 15. Now, surveyors will begin using the updated guidance on March 24, 2025. Join us as we highlight some important areas of change. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review 3 – 5 changes/updates to the guidance highlighted in the QSO letter released by CMS
- Examine updates to Critical Element Pathways
- Discuss training resources and a QAPI/QAA approach to monitoring implementation
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members, Coders
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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The MDS is undergoing changes again effective October 1, 2024. Although this year is not as significant as 2023, nursing facilities still need to prepare for the newest updates. The MDS data elements can affect multiple quality measures in a facility and provide a snapshot of quality of care provided in a SNF. Join us as we review the MDS changes coming this October. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify the MDS 3.0 data element updates effective October 1, 2024
- Discuss effects of the MDS 3.0 data elements on facility reporting for the MDS 3.0 changes
- Describe a process of preparation for the MDS updates
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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Does your Interdisciplinary Team understand the importance of an IPA? Join us as we review what an Interim Payment Assessment is, when to conduct an assessment and who should be involved. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify when to do an IPA
- Understand the variable per diem rate
- Discuss PDPM components that may trigger and IPA
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Michelle Olear, RHIT, BSN
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As the new year unfolds, the challenges that were presented by the October 1, 2023, MDS updates and revisions continue to impact Long-Term Post Acute Care. During this webinar, we will identify some of the hurdles MDS teams have or may experience. Join us as we provide valuable insights and coaching tips aimed at optimizing your team’s performance in navigating the new and revised aspects of the MDS and other items in the RAI system. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify 2-3 obstacles that may cause your team to stumble with accurate MDS data elements
- Define strategies for overcoming the MDS hurdles
- Develop tools to assist with auditing ongoing performance
Who Should Attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, and Interdisciplinary Team (ITD) members
Learn more about your trainer: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
NOTE: this public webinar runs from 2 – 3 pm ET
In this podcast, Kim Hicks, Vice President of Business Development for AAPACN, and Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, Assistant Director of Education for MDS Consultants, an AAPACN Diamond Business Partner, discuss some of the basics the MDS and RAI process, their impact, how they are foundational piece of quality care, and the importance of working together with the interdisciplinary team for the best care outcomes.
You can also access this webinar on the APPACN website.
In this podcast, Amy Stewart, MSN, RN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, Chief Nursing Officer for AAPACN, and Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, Director of Education for MDS Consultants, an AAPACN Diamond Business Partner, discuss how to operationalize change in the workplace.
You can also access this webinar on the APPACN website.
Watch the Replay
Feel free to register and watch the replay of all our past webinars
Each weekly webinar is eligible for 1.0 credit hours. Credit hours may be applied according to state regulation.
Webinar slides, a certificate of attendance and class description are provided upon completion of each webinar. You must be registered to access them.
The Webinar Archive Library
Join once – watch all. When you join MDS Expert, all archived webinar recordings are available to you on demand.
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Development of comprehensive care plans should begin with the investigation of findings and the analysis of each triggered Care Area Assessment (CAA). The CAAs provide a cross walk from the MDS and are auto-populated. They reflect how the data elements are coded and reflect what the clinical link may be in each triggered area. The Interdisciplinary Team is responsible for reviewing and validating this information. Additionally, there may be specific care information that may not trigger but adds relevant information to the care needs of the resident and assists in the analysis of the problem or issue that the team will need to add. Frequently, the CAAs lack information beyond the auto-populated MDS information, which produces an incomplete care plan development process. Join us in discussing the development of CAAs and capturing key information to support the resident’s potential problems and begin the process of building a person-centered care plan. Attendees of this webinar will:
- Understand the basics of CAA development
- Identify how to integrate non-triggered clinical information relevant to building a person-centered CAA
- Develop a process for auditing and monitoring CAA development
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Barb Bates, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT
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A new year always ushers in new changes. Among the whirlwinds of change this year is New Surveyor Guidance. CMS released an advanced copy of these updates to its State Operations Manual – Appendix PP (Guidance for Skilled Nursing Facilities) in a November QSO Memorandum (QSO-25-07-NH: Revised Long-Term Care (LTC) Surveyor Guidance: Significant revisions to enhance quality and oversight of the LTC survey process). Originally scheduled to take effect in February, CMS issued a revision to the Surveyor Guidance on January 15. Now, surveyors will begin using the updated guidance on March 24, 2025. Join us as we highlight some important areas of change. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review 3 – 5 changes/updates to the guidance highlighted in the QSO letter released by CMS
- Examine updates to Critical Element Pathways
- Discuss training resources and a QAPI/QAA approach to monitoring implementation
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members, Coders
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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Section I of the MDS requires physician documentation of the diagnosis(es) related to the resident’s status within the required time periods to accurately be coded on the MDS. Often there is miscoding of active diagnoses. Join us in discussing active diagnosis(es) on the MDS and how to accurately code section I. Attendees of this webinar will:
- Review coding criteria of an active diagnosis per the RAI Manual
- Identify common miscoding of diagnoses on the MDS
- Discuss processes to accurately code the MDS in Section I and monitor the accuracy
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP
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A Minimum Data Set (MDS) Coordinator or a Nurse Assessment Coordinators (NAC) is a nurse in a post-acute care setting responsible for management of the RAI system within an organization. What does that entail? The MDS Coordinator or NAC schedules/completes MDS assessments on residents within their facilities according to the state and federal requirements and guidelines. The role of the MDS Coordinator/NAC is a complex and multifunctional role requiring skilled training in post-acute care. The RAI system is complex requiring the MDS Coordinator/NAC skill and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) within an organization. Attendees of this webinar will:
- Identify the role and duties of an MDS Coordinator/NAC in post-acute care
- Review the RAI system and the MDS Coordinator/NAC/IDT involvement within the system
- Discuss how to build a team to manage the RAI system
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP and Kristine Martinez, BSN, RN, RAC-CTA
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The MDS process is invariably complex. Join us for a roundtable discussion as we dig into MDS System Management. Our team will also answer the top questions submitted (on the webinar registration page) concerning scheduling of assessments, completion of resident interviews, supporting documentation for MDS completion, MDS completion, and communication with the IDT team. Be sure to submit your questions by November 18 to have them considered for the roundtable!
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: The MDS Consultants Team
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As the holidays quickly approach, we begin to reflect on what we need to do to get ready for the New Year. The LTC industry has frequent changes occurring, and we must do our best to be prepared to put these changes into place in 2025 as they arise. Join us as we review upcoming changes for 2025 and be ready to jump start the New Year. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify LTC changes and their possible impact to SNF facilities in 2025
- Describe methods for implementing changes needed for 2025
- Discuss auditing and monitoring strategies to ensure changes are sustained
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team Members
Learn more about your trainers: Barbara Bates, RN, MSN, QCP-MT, DNS-MT and Kristine Martinez, BSN, RN, RAC-CTA
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The SNF VBP awards SNFs incentive payments for quality of care provided to Medicare beneficiaries measured by the SNF 30-Day All-Cause Readmission Measure (SNFRM). The SNF VBP is changing, and new quality measures are being proposed and implemented into the program. SNFs need to be aware of the changes to the SNF VBP and understand the data being collected and reported. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review the SNF VBP
- Identify SNF VBP updates and the relationship to MDS data elements
- Develop preparation strategies for the SNF VBP upcoming changes
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team Members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, QCP
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The SNF QRP requires that SNFs (Skilled Nursing Facilities) report standardized resident assessment data related to quality measures and resident assessment data elements on Medicare Part A residents from admission to discharge. SNFs report data through the MDS (Minimum Data Set), NHSN (National Healthcare Safety Network), and Medicare claims. SNFs need to prepare for SNF QRP updates and future quality measures that could affect their APU (Annual Payment Update). Join us as we review the SNF QRP and discuss the upcoming changes. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review the SNF QRP
- Identify SNF QRP updates and the relationship to MDS data elements
- Develop preparation strategies for the upcoming changes to the SNF QRP and monitoring of quality measures
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary Team Members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Kristine Martinez, BSN, RN, RAC-CTA
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The MDS is undergoing changes again effective October 1, 2024. Although this year is not as significant as 2023, nursing facilities still need to prepare for the newest updates. The MDS data elements can affect multiple quality measures in a facility and provide a snapshot of quality of care provided in a SNF. Join us as we review the MDS changes coming this October. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify the MDS 3.0 data element updates effective October 1, 2024
- Discuss effects of the MDS 3.0 data elements on facility reporting for the MDS 3.0 changes
- Describe a process of preparation for the MDS updates
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
Don’t see the Register button for this webinar? Join MDS Experts to get access to all our webinars.
Reviewing Medicaid and long-term care admissions strategically for their impact on reimbursement can have a lasting effect on a nursing facility’s case mix. We will delve into strategies and key points to consider when evaluating how a new/long-term care admission may affect a facility’s reimbursement. We will also discuss factors to consider when reviewing Medicaid and long-term care admission candidates. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify strategies for accepting admissions that could positively impact Medicaid reimbursement
- Describe the importance of acuity when reviewing Medicaid and long-term care admissions
- Discuss tips to monitor for potential candidates
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Managers, Admissions Directors
Learn more about your trainers: MaryGrace Zegmester, LPN, RAC-CTA
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iQIES (Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System) is a CMS application portal that can manage provider and resident information to ensure quality healthcare. Providers can utilize facility reports such as Quality Measures (QM), public reporting (5 Star and Care Compare), and reimbursement. Join us as we look at the reports available to the MDS submitter/NAC, and the information that can be utilized for facility improvement. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify resources in iQIES that can help staff receive timely notifications
- Discuss how to locate long term care provider reports in iQies
- Review long term care provider reports that should be utilized to identify areas of potential quality improvements
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Managers
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Kristine Martinez, RN, BSN, RAC-CTA
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PDPM…NTAs…Coding…OH MY! Join us for a roundtable discussion as we dig into these topics. Our team will also answer the top questions submitted (on the webinar registration page) concerning PDPM components, MDS coding related to PDPM, NTA categories and coding, and ICD-10 coding related to PDPM. Be sure to submit your questions by July 16 to have them considered for the roundtable!
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: The MDS Consultants Team
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How do you identify if a resident has had a significant change in condition within a nursing facility according to RAI manual guidelines? There are certain criteria that NACs and IDT members analyze to determine if a resident has had a significant change in status. Join us as we review the areas used for determination of significant change in status and when to complete the MDS for a significant change in status assessment. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify significant change criteria following the MDS 3.0 guidelines
- Review the MDS 3.0 scheduling of signification change of status assessment
- Discuss best practices for monitoring residents for change in status
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Linda J. Winston, RN, MSN, BS, QCP-MT, DNS-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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PDPM over the last five years has seen significant changes. As one example, we will discuss what we have learned regarding proper diagnosis coding and documentation of section “GG.” Join us as we highlight what has been learned over the last five years to help us prepare for now and future updates. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review highlights of what has changed with PDPM over the last five years
- Breakdown best practices
- Discuss the importance of an Interdisciplinary Team approach to PDPM management
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, Medical Records, Coders, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Michelle Olear, RHIT, BSN
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Does your Interdisciplinary Team understand the importance of an IPA? Join us as we review what an Interim Payment Assessment is, when to conduct an assessment and who should be involved. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify when to do an IPA
- Understand the variable per diem rate
- Discuss PDPM components that may trigger and IPA
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Michelle Olear, RHIT, BSN
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The number of resident interviews have increased with the 2023 MDS update. Join us in reviewing the required interviews per the RAI manual. We will review timing, steps for the assessment and interview instructions. Attendees will gain an understanding of the reason interviews are scripted. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Review the MDS resident interviews
- Identify timing of the MDS resident interviews
- Discuss steps for assessment and interview instructions
- Describe best practices related to interview completion by the IDT
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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Now that we have taken the mystery out of Quality Measure puzzle, we will develop a plan for improvement to prevent re-occurrence through our QAPI program. Join us as we discuss auditing and monitoring using the facility’s CASPER report. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Understand how to identify and prioritize Quality Measures to audit and monitor
- Review a Facility’s Casper Report
- Develop and sustain a Performance Improvement Plan
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Barbara Bates, RN, MSN, QCP-MT, DNS-MT
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How often does the team contemplate why a Quality Measure (QM) flags? Join us as we take the mystery out of commonly questioned quality measures by identifying hidden clues. To accomplish this, we will conduct an in-depth step-by-step review. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Create a step-by-step approach to breaking down a Quality Measure
- Review hidden clues of 3 to 5 commonly questioned Quality Measures
- Identify the potential impact of a Quality Measure reviewed
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Barbara Bates, RN, MSN, QCP-MT, DNS-MT
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The transition from G to GG is well underway. There remain challenges to implementing processes to collect, document, and evaluate functional abilities. The observation periods depending on assessment type, interdisciplinary collaboration, software or lack of software support for documentation continue to be barriers to accuracy of data element completion. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Recognize the observation/assessment period by type of assessment
- Review the steps for assessment for data element collection and documentation of section GG
- Discuss an interdisciplinary approach to data collection and communication
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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The effective collaboration between the NAC (Nurse Assessment Coordinator) and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) Members is vital for the successful implementation of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) system, encompassing the MDS completion process. Achieving comprehensive and person-centered care planning, involving assessments, interviews, documentation, CAAs (Care Area Assessments), requires seamless teamwork and communication. The MDS process is a complex multifunctional assessment required to be completed on each resident within a nursing facility.
Let’s discuss how the NAC, Medical Records, and Coding ensure assessment requirements are being met while providing quality of care to each individual resident. In this seminar we will:
- Discuss Medical Records’ and Coding’s roles within the RAI system and connection within the team
- Assist Medical Records and Coding with understanding their unique roles in the MDS Completion process by reviewing specific MDS data element(s) and other components of the RAI system
- Develop tips/tools for Medical Records and Coding involved with the RAI system and MDS processes
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, Medical Records, Coding, and Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Michelle Olear, RHIT, BSN and Kristi Boyer, CPC
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The effective collaboration between the NAC (Nurse Assessment Coordinator) and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) Members is vital for the successful implementation of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) system, encompassing the MDS completion process. Achieving comprehensive and person-centered care planning, involving assessments, interviews, documentation, CAAs (Care Area Assessments), requires seamless teamwork and communication. The MDS process is a complex multifunctional assessment required to be completed on each resident within a nursing facility.
Let’s discuss how the NAC, Dietary/Nutrition, and Wound Nurse ensure assessment requirements are being met while providing quality of care to each individual resident. In this seminar we will:
- Discuss Dietary/Nutrition’s and Wound’s roles within the RAI system and connection within the team
- Assist Dietary/Nutrition and Wound Nurses with understanding their unique roles in the MDS Completion process by reviewing specific MDS data element(s) and other components of the RAI system
- Develop tips/tools for Dietary/Nutrition and Wound Nurses involved with the RAI system and MDS processes
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, Dietary/Nutrition, Wound Nurses, and Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Barb Bates, RN, MSN, QCP-MT, DNS-MT and Rebecca Chamberlin, RN, BSN, RAC-CT
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As the new year unfolds, the challenges that were presented by the October 1, 2023, MDS updates and revisions continue to impact Long-Term Post Acute Care. During this webinar, we will identify some of the hurdles MDS teams have or may experience. Join us as we provide valuable insights and coaching tips aimed at optimizing your team’s performance in navigating the new and revised aspects of the MDS and other items in the RAI system. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify 2-3 obstacles that may cause your team to stumble with accurate MDS data elements
- Define strategies for overcoming the MDS hurdles
- Develop tools to assist with auditing ongoing performance
Who Should Attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, and Interdisciplinary Team (ITD) members
Learn more about your trainer: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
NOTE: this public webinar runs from 2 – 3 pm ET
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The effective collaboration between the NAC (Nurse Assessment Coordinator) and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) Members is vital for the successful implementation of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) system, encompassing the MDS completion process. Achieving comprehensive and person-centered care planning, involving assessments, interviews, documentation, CAAs (Care Area Assessments), requires seamless teamwork and communication. The MDS process is a complex multifunctional assessment required to be completed on each resident within a nursing facility.
Let’s discuss how the NAC, Social Services, Activities, and Therapy ensure assessment requirements are being met while providing quality of care to each individual resident. In this seminar we will:
- Discuss Social Services’, Activities’, and Therapy’s roles within the RAI system and connection within the team
- Assist Social Services, Activities, and Therapy with understanding their unique roles in the MDS Completion process by reviewing specific MDS data element(s) and other components of the RAI system
- Develop tips/tools for Social Services, Activities, and Therapy involved with the RAI system and MDS processes
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, Social Services, Activities, Therapy, and Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Lyndsay Torcasio, RN, RAC-CT
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The effective collaboration between the NAC (Nurse Assessment Coordinator) and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) Members is vital for the successful implementation of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) system, encompassing the MDS completion process. Achieving comprehensive and person-centered care planning, involving assessments, interviews, documentation, CAAs (Care Area Assessments), requires seamless teamwork and communication. The MDS process is a complex multifunctional assessment required to be completed on each resident within a nursing facility.
Let’s discuss how the NAC, Nurses, and CNAs ensure assessment requirements are being met while providing quality of care to each individual resident. In this seminar we will:
- Discuss the Nurse’s and CNA’s roles within the RAI system and connection within the team
- Assist the Nurse and CNA with understanding their unique roles in the MDS Completion process by reviewing specific MDS data element(s) and other components of the RAI system
- Develop tips/tools for the Nurse and CNA involved with the RAI system and MDS processes
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, Nurses, CNAs, and Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Nicole Roman, LPN, BS, RAC
In this podcast, Kim Hicks, Vice President of Business Development for AAPACN, and Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, Assistant Director of Education for MDS Consultants, an AAPACN Diamond Business Partner, discuss some of the basics the MDS and RAI process, their impact, how they are foundational piece of quality care, and the importance of working together with the interdisciplinary team for the best care outcomes.
You can also access this webinar on the APPACN website.
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The effective collaboration between the NAC (Nurse Assessment Coordinator) and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) Members is vital for the successful implementation of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) system, encompassing the MDS completion process. Achieving comprehensive and person-centered care planning, involving assessments, interviews, documentation, CAAs (Care Area Assessments), requires seamless teamwork and communication. The MDS process is a complex multifunctional assessment required to be completed on each resident within a nursing facility.
Let’s discuss how the NAC, Pharmacy Services, and Physicians/Physician Extenders ensure assessment requirements are being met while providing quality of care to each individual resident. In this seminar we will:
- Discuss Pharmacy Services’ and Physicians/Physician Extenders’ roles within the RAI system and connection within the team
- Assist Pharmacy Services and Physicians/Physician Extenders with understanding their unique roles in the MDS Completion process by reviewing specific MDS data element(s) and other components of the RAI system
- Develop tips/tools for Pharmacy Services and Physicians/Physician Extenders involved with the RAI system and MDS processes
Who should attend: Administrators, Admissions Coordinators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, Pharmacy Services, Physicians/Physician Extenders, and Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA and Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA
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The effective collaboration between the NAC (Nurse Assessment Coordinator) and the IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) Members is vital for the successful implementation of the RAI (Resident Assessment Instrument) system, encompassing the MDS completion process. Achieving comprehensive and person-centered care planning, involving assessments, interviews, documentation, CAAs (Care Area Assessments), requires seamless teamwork and communication. The MDS process is a complex multifunctional assessment required to be completed on each resident within a nursing facility.
Let’s explore how the NAC, the DNS, and the Administrator can meet assessment requirements while delivering quality care to each resident. In this seminar we will:
- Discuss the DNS and the Administrator’s role within the RAI system and connection within the team
- Educate the DNS and the Administrator on specific MDS data element(s) involved with the completion process and other components of the RAI system
- Develop tips/tools for the DNS and Administrator involved with the RAI system and MDS processes
Who Should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, MDS Coordinators, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, and Interdisciplinary Team members
Learn more about your trainers: Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT and Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, QCP-MT, DNS-MT, RAC-CT
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On January 18th, 2023, CMS announced they will be conducting off-site audits in nursing homes for assessment accuracy and coding of residents with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia. Along with auditing for appropriate diagnosis, the audits will review appropriate use of antipsychotic medications. This webinar will review the audit process, the schizophrenia diagnosis coding regulations per the RAI manual, and negative impacts to quality measures. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify the schizophrenia audit process
- Review the coding regulations of schizophrenia in the RAI Manual
- Prepare a plan to ensure compliance with schizophrenia diagnosis and audit process
Learn more about your trainer, Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT
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The SNF 5-Claim Probe and Educate strategy is intended to educate providers on correct billing practices under the PDPM. Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) will review a 5-claim sample from each SNF in their jurisdiction. Based on the findings of the MACs, provider specific education may need to be provided. We will discuss the criteria the MACs are auditing for before submitting the claim for payment and how to prepare for an audit. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Discuss the criteria that MACs will be auditing
- Identify top areas for denial of claims
- Prepare for probe and educate audit
- Incorporate billing best practices in facility’s QAA/QAPI process
Learn more about your trainer, Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT
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Accurate ICD-10 coding in a SNF (Skilled Nursing Facility) requires a strong knowledge base of ICD-10 coding guidelines and requirements of the RAI manual. Miscoding still often occurs with ICD-10 diagnosis codes within a SNF, which can affect Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement along with facility reports and quality measures. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Identify common miscoding of diagnosis
- Review guidelines and requirements for coding a diagnosis in SNF
- Develop tips for accurately coding a diagnosis
Learn more about your trainer, Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT
In this podcast, Amy Stewart, MSN, RN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, Chief Nursing Officer for AAPACN, and Linda Winston, RN, MSN, BS, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, Director of Education for MDS Consultants, an AAPACN Diamond Business Partner, discuss how to operationalize change in the workplace.
You can also access this webinar on the APPACN website.
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Let’s go on a treasure hunt with ICD-10 mapping. Along the way we will be collecting gold pieces that will make up an ICD-10 code’s first 3 components of a diagnosis. The gold pieces will lead us through the documentation to identify the final diagnosis components within the ICD-10 mapping tool. The NAC and other IDT members need to be able to Identify the primary diagnosis and understand the complexity of the diagnosis as it relates to other comorbidities. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Discover the first 3 components of the primary diagnosis
- Review documentation related to ICD-10 primary diagnosis
- Identify the diagnosis within the ICD-10 Mapping Tool
Learn more about your trainer, Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT
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Nurse Assessment Coordinators need to be educated and trained in basic ICD –10 diagnosis coding. ICD-10 diagnoses are essential for reimbursement in SNFs (Skilled Nursing Facilities) for billing purposes. ICD-10 diagnoses are a required section of the MDS titled active diagnosis. There are certain coding instructions involved with the coding of a diagnosis on the MDS. A resident’s active diagnosis must be related to their current status. Attendees of this seminar will:
- Discuss basic ICD-10 coding
- Identify Section I instructions for coding diagnoses
- Identify what criteria indicates an active diagnosis
Learn more about your trainer, Jessica Stucin, RN, BSN, LNHA, RAC-CT