The Part A PPS Discharge Assessment is generally completed when one of these is true:
- Medicare Part A stay ends, but the resident remains in the facility
- The resident is physically discharged on the same day or within one day of the end of the Medicare Part A stay
You must complete the OBRA Discharge Assessment and the Part A PPS Discharge Assessment, and you may combine them.
A Part A PPS Discharge Assessment is not required if the resident dies on the same day as the end date of the most recent Medicare stay.
- Equal to the end date of the most recent Medicare stay (A2400C) or
- If the End Date of the Most Recent Medicare Stay (A2400C) occurs on the day of or one day before the Discharge Date (A2000), you must complete the OBRA Discharge Assessment and the Part A PPS Discharge Assessment, and you may combine them
When the OBRA and Part A PPS Discharge Assessments are combined, the ARD (A2300) must be equal to the Discharge Date (A2000).
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